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Gene Analysis for Skin and Health


"I’m constantly asked about diet and aging and if there are specific “skin foods.” Actually, there are foods that improve skin health, and some foods (in certain people) that may worsen skin conditions."

"Understanding your genes is the key to becoming a super-ager"


 $499 USD + Shipping


Understand your genes and improve your health and wellbeing


“One cannot have bad health and good skin. Dermatogenomix® is all about understanding your genes for better skin, health and wellbeing”

Your personalized gene-test report will have diet and lifestyle recommendations

74 genes chosen specifically to help understand your physiology for health and wellness

“Knowledge about the skin-brain axis helps you understand your individual risk for many diseases.
The Dermatogenomix gene test is unique because it is not focused on any specific disease but in optimising your wellness.”

Discover the secrets of your own genes

Take the Dermatogenomix® gene test now 


Skin Physiology

Skin Pigmentation of the face
Antioxidant Levels
Loss of Skin Elasticity
Advanced Glycation End Products

Our personalized reports have been developed based on scientific research published in peer-reviewed journals and reviewed by an advisory board of experts.

Report example only

"Genes are our blueprint, but not our destiny"


"One cannot have bad health and good skin"

~ Dr Sharad Paul

"Reading Dr Paul's book is like taking an exhilarating journey through the shifting landscapes of of genetics, health and evolution" ~ Siddhartha Mukherjee, Pulitzer Prize winning author

​Professor Sharad P. Paul MD
Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine
Adjunct Professor, Auckland University of Technology
Winner, Ko Awatea International Excellence Award for Leading Healthcare on a Global Scale

Click here to find out more about Dr Paul

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